Vitality. Clarity. Serenity

Sharing My “Why”


How often do you reflect on what got you to where you are today and what were the catalysts that started it all?

I have been reflecting on this myself and thought I would share a little more about me and my catalysts – why a Naturopath?  Why Life Coaching? and why helping people with Burnout?

As is common, these things begin in childhood!  I first became interested in all things healthy eating and lifestyle by observing in my own family those who took good care of themselves vs those who didn’t.  I knew which way I wanted to go in my life and followed by example.  Mum’s interest in healthy eating paved the way (so all you Mums out there, don’t give up with being the example to your kids with healthy food!).  Her Father had died of bowel cancer when she was 12.  He was bought up on a diet high in bread and lard and smoked as an adult.  Mum’s awareness of what we ‘can’ influence via prevention and looking after ourselves made sense as I grew up – and I could see it in front of my eyes!

This interest in health certainly didn’t exclude loving eating, although I dabbled with ‘diets’ I always enjoyed the healthier side of eating – but at times I wasn’t sure what was ideal for ‘me’.  I had some issues in my late teens/early 20’s with the hormonal side of things and Doctors fobbed me off and told me to wait until I wanted to have children to sort it out (if I had taken this advice I would have been 38!!!).  So I saw a Naturopath and loved it!  It all made sense to me and I felt great with the changes I made to my diet, loved the results from herbal medicine (and got used to the taste;-)).  The wholistic approach deeply resonated with me, and I got great results – I was sold!

Time for a Career Change

Career change in my 30’s led me back to this passion – I wanted to help others as I had been helped.  I was thrilled when I completed my degree as a qualified Naturopath.  After a few years in practice I started observing that my clients who saw themselves in a negative way, lacked self belief, felt anxious and disconnected – although they may have achieved better health – that these deeper held beliefs got in the way of them keeping on track in the long term.  This is when I added in Life Coaching and created amazing programs to help in my key areas of interest – stress, fatigue and burnout!  I saw the big difference it made to my clients.  I continue to expand the coaching side of my practice, while also keeping a focus on healthy eating and natural medicine to help others get energized, deep clarity and a great outlook on life!

If you would like to know more about why the first program I put together ‘Burnout to Bounce’ was a priority –  check next weeks vlog where I explain why helping people with fatigue and Burnout  is such a key focus.


If this resonates with you and you’d like to find out more about how we can work together, click here to book a complimentary strategy call.

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